News & Information

SanGIS Is Making Major Changes to Base Map Data Layers

Changes cover Parcels, Parks, Roads, and Places

SanGIS is making some important changes to a number of data layers that you may be interested in. These changes are intended to provide better, cleaner, more complete, and more current data that can be more easily maintained and updated. A brief summary of the major changes are shown below along with an estimate of when the changes will appear in the Regional Data Warehouse.

Parcel Layers

As previously announced, SanGIS will be removing certain address attributes from all PARCEL (and LOT) layers. See the SanGIS article titled SanGIS Proposes Removing non-Assessor Addresses from Parcel Layers (January 21, 2016) for more information on this change. The changes have been approved by the SanGIS Technical Advisory Board and will be made in two steps over the next three months.

Road Layers

SanGIS is working with the City of San Diego, the County of San Diego, and SANDAG to update the CARTO attribute values for all road segments. The CARTO attribute is intended to provide a method for consistent cartographic display of various road types (freeways, highways, major roads, etc.). This major update will allow for better representation of the SanGIS road network in online and printed maps. These changes are ongoing and many road segments have already been updated.


The PARKS layer was created in 2008 and is intended to be a consolidation of all public parks in the County of San Diego. However, the layer has not been maintained and is currently incomplete, out of date, and contains more than just parks. SanGIS is currently rebuilding the layer to include all parks owned by the County of San Diego, the 18 incorporated cities, the Unified Port District and State and National parks. This work is in progress and is expected to be available in the next two months.


The PLACES layer has been significantly updated by the County of San Diego to include more locations and better "type" values. The revisions will provide much better sorting and filtering. These changes will provide a layer that is far better suited to cartographic applications. Many of the changes have already been complete and the work is ongoing.

If you would like to provide comments, feedback, or if you have updates for any of these layers please contact SanGIS by sending email to or by calling us at 858-874-7000.

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