SanGIS provides map making, data extraction and other services to the public for a fee. Maps and data extracts can be made from any of the layers available on our data download site . We can also work with data you provide in the form of spreadsheets that include spatial coordinates, ESRI ArcGIS shape files, or other geospatial format. We can also plot maps you find on our City, County, SANDAG JPA partner web sites - just bring us the link for an estimate.
SanGIS data covers all of San Diego County. We do not have data beyond the county boundary. We generally use an address or Assessor Parcel Number (APN) to locate the area of interest. If you don't have that information we can work from detailed descriptions of the area, cross streets or other location information (such as City Council District, Community, or Municipality).
Ordering maps or other products from SanGIS is easy. Email SanGIS at ( or call us at (858-874-7000). Most of our customers now request content in a digital format, making email the easiest and most preferred method of delivery. SanGIS Front Desk is open Tuesday through Thursday 8:00am to 4:00pm except City/County observed holidays. The front desk closes at 4:00 PM so be sure to allow plenty of time.
Note: SanGIS sometimes closes for special events or meetings so we encourage you to call first to check availability or check our home page for any schedule notices.
Contact us if you have a question or would like to talk about a possible project.
Learn more about the SanGIS services and view samples of our work here.