Interactive Map

Make A Map

The SanGIS Interactive Map provides online map making tools which use many of the publicly available data layers. You can use the Interactive Map to:

Our interactive map contains over 33 layers covering features such as property (parcels), roads, district and municipal boundaries, and districts including schools, fire protection, cemetery and transit. Other layers include floodplains, water quality sensitive areas, MHPA, soils, vegetation and land use. Additional information on individual parcels can be obtained with a simple mouse click.

The SanGIS Interactive Map is intended primarily for parcel lookup and viewing. It does not intend to recreate interactive or static map services provided by the City or County of San Diego. Go to our GIS Links page for a list of other maps provided by our JPA partners.

Go to the SanGIS Interactive Map to get started.

Please note: the Interactive Map requires a web plug-in. You will be prompted to install this plug-in if it is not already loaded on your computer.


The SanGIS Interactive Map data and tools are provided only for the user's convenience and no warranty is made as to the accuracy of the data. The user must read and be aware of the full use disclaimer. Please read the SanGIS Legal Notice prior to using the SanGIS Interactive Map.