News & Information

Call for SDRGC Imagery Consortium Participation

SDRGC is soliciting interest in imagery services

SanGIS and the San Diego Regional GIS Council are currently working on soliciting interest for regional, subscription based, imagery services. The goal is to provide the regional Imagery Consortium members access to regularly updated ortho and oblique imagery of the county’s urban areas, augmented with region wide collections covering the entire county.

By moving to a subscription service, the Consortium is hoping to provide an easy cost structure, centralized contract management, high quality imagery, and more. Some of the organizations that will benefit from these services include municipal governments, utilities, any moderate or large sized facilities, developers and construction companies, planning agencies, insurance companies, landscaping businesses, real estate agencies, and property management companies.

SanGIS is requesting that any organizations wishing to participate, or have questions about the Imagery Consortium, please contact us at 858-874-7000.

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